We provided expertise, advice and hands-on help to get Leanheat’s new product up and running.



About Leanheat

Leanheat's system collects real-time heat, air pressure, and humidity data from thousands of homes, and integrates it with weather forecasts and district heating price forecasts. This enables them to optimize the temperature of the water in property heating systems, which can save up to 20% on heating costs without sacrificing comfort.

What did Metosin do?

Metosin’s experts acted in a consultative role as part of the team, and they participated in the design and implementation of the architectural solutions and system features. They also helped build the AWS cloud infrastructure.

"their small and flexible team made everything easy and agile."


Metosin helped to take Leanheat from a functioning prototype to a fully-fledged product and brought Leanheat’s own team of Clojure engineers up to speed.

Why did we choose Metosin?

“The Metosin guys caught our attention during a Clojure meetup and it was clear that they had the experience to work with Clojure projects. They are enthusiastic and better than average guys, and working together with their small and flexible team made everything easy and agile.”

Hannes Haataja
R&D Manager, Partner

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